License plate recognition

end-to-end neural network model
Project Overview
Participated in a specialized team to design anend-to-end neural network model for efficientand real-time car plate recognition. Primary rolerevolved around the deployment andoptimization of the YoloV5 model for boundingbox prediction..
Python, YoloV5, LPRNet, OCR.
License plate recognition (LPR) is an essential technology for traffic management, lawenforcement, and security systems. The ability to accurately and efficiently recognize license plates invarious conditions is crucial for managing traffic flow, detecting suspicious vehicles, and enforcingparking regulations. However, this task is often complicated by a range of challenges, including variationsin lighting, weather conditions, and image distortion.
One of the key challenges in LPR is the variability of license plate characters. License plates canhave different sizes, fonts, and colors, and can be affected by image deformation and noise. This makes itdifficult to accurately identify and segment the characters for recognition.
Traditional LPR systems typically involve a multi-step process, including plate detection,character segmentation, feature extraction, and classification. However, this approach is time-consumingand prone to errors. The recent development of end-to-end LPR algorithms, such as LPRNet, has shownpromising results in improving accuracy and efficiency by eliminating the need for pre-segmentation ofcharacters